Help on printing

If you viewing this page using Netscape, you can either:

1. Choose the 'Print" command from the "File" menu and print this form to an attached printer.

2. "Save" this form as a text file and open it in a word processor or text editor (such as Qedit or Dos' Edit program). The formatting is best maintained when you view this file in a font such as Courier, size 10 or 12 point.

3. If the Netscape's Email feature is enabled in your Preferences, you may email this file to yourself (use the "Quote" or "Quote document" command to capture the form). You may wish to do this if it is easier to print the form from your email system than from the Web browser.

Printing and emailing options are often available in other browsers as well.

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Last modified June 13, 1996.